Westover Farm comprises 450 hectares of Hampshire chalk down land.
Approximately 400 hectares is arable land which is farmed jointly with Lower Norton Farms. The remainder of the estate comprises woodland, water meadows and permanent grassland. The arable crops grown on the farm are winter wheat, spring barley, field beans and oilseed rape, which are sown on a three-year rotation.
There is a Countryside Stewardship agreement in place which provides the estate with government funding to promote farming practices that benefit the natural environment. This funding has enabled capital projects such as the replanting of woods and hedgerows and the creation of ponds on the estate. It also provides funding for conservation strips. These are areas on the edge of arable crops that are managed to encourage the growth of rare arable weeds (cultivated margins), provide winter food for birds (wild bird seed strips and unharvested margins) and flower and nectar mixes to benefit bees and other insects in the summer.
One part of the farm is managed as a chalk down land reversion site. This sloping area is lightly grazed by a flock of Manx Loghtan and Wiltshire Horn sheep. The aim is to encourage the growth of typical down land plants and their associated butterfly species, which have disappeared in many areas due to intensive farming.
As a farming business we are passionate about conserving the environment and the wild animals and plants that live on the farm. Although we farm in a conventional way, using chemical fertilisers and pesticides, we strive to minimise the use of agrochemicals and ensure there are plenty of refuges for wildlife.